Let's chat!!

You've got big plans, a heart full of passion, and a business that's ready to soar. We get it - you're not just looking for a website; you're looking for a launchpad that sends your brand into the stars. A space that's uniquely you, where every pixel pops with personality and purpose.

That's where we step in, with a sprinkle of magic and a whole lot of love, to turn that dream into a digital reality.

Dream Big, Launch Bigger

Ready to make your dream site a reality?

Overwhelmed but Optimistic

You're staring at your screen thinking, "Where do I even start?" But deep down, you've got this tiny spark of excitement because you know your dream site is just around the corner.

Guess what? It's time to KICK that FEELING TO THE CURB and pass the baton on over to your website fairy godfriend.

Say poof be GONE to your website woes!

Here's the scoop: I'll dive deep into the nitty-gritty of what's been bugging you. Tech tangles? Consider them untwisted. Design dilemmas? We'll decode them. From the big picture to the tiny details, we're on it. Our process is all about collaboration, customization, and communication, ensuring your journey from 'oh no' to 'oh wow' is as smooth as silk.

Let's get started!!

Ready for a hassle-free website journey?

Michael T. Davis, Photographer
MTD Photography

Working with Octavia was like having a friend by my side every step of the way. She knew what I needed even when I couldn't quite articulate it! My website not only looks stunning, but it also reflects the heart and soul of my photography business. Octavia is an absolute gem!


· Install the template you have purchased
· Customize template with your brand fonts and colors
· Implement your copy/photos
· Responsive desktop + mobile site
· Basic SEO optimization
· Domain configuration
· Copy resources
· Social media launch images
· Showit tutorial video
· Wordpress tutorial video
· 30 days email + loom support

template customization

The Transformation You've Been Waiting For...

Recent Template Customization Designs

Sally Rudy Photography

Pretty Li'L Trailer

Kim Busby Photography

Vanessa Garcia, Pretty Li'l Trailer

If you're looking to elevate your website from good to great, Octavia is the person you want on your team. Her skills, coupled with her dedication to client satisfaction, make her an invaluable asset to any web development project. We are immensely grateful for her contributions to our website and highly recommend her services without reservation.

Your Roadmap to Wow

The Meeting - On a brief video call, we'll get to know each other and you will share you goals + vision for your website.

The Makeover - This is the fun part where your site gets the glow-up it deserves. With your branding and template in toe, I'll strategize and customize to make it YOURS.

The Magic - Cue the confetti and grab your mimosa or milk as your dream website goes live!

A Simple, Streamlined, Stunning Journey

Let's map ouy you magic together!

What's Showit, and why should I use it for my website?

Think of Showit as the VIP lounge of website builders—super stylish, incredibly flexible, and it doesn't make you compromise design for functionality. It's perfect for creatives who want their website to be as unique and dynamic as their business. Plus, you get to drag and drop your way to a gorgeous site without crying over code. Neat, huh?

you may still have questions...

Will I be able to manage my Showit site once it's customized?

You bet! Showit is designed for folks who'd rather focus on their passion than on puzzling out tech problems. Once your site's up and running, you'll find editing and updating it as easy as posting on your favorite social media platform. And I'll be there to guide you through getting familiar with your new digital digs.

What about SEO? Will people find my website on Google?

SEO might seem like wizardry, but with Showit, you've got a magic wand at your disposal. We'll optimize your site with keywords, meta descriptions, and all that good stuff to help you rank on search engines. Plus, Showit's clean code ensures your site is not just beautiful but also Google-friendly.

What if I need help after my site goes live?

I’ll be around for a grace period of 30 days after launch to make sure you’re as confident in managing your site as I am in creating it. And if you need more help down the road? Just give me a shout!

Can I add a blog to my Showit website?

You sure can! Showit seamlessly integrates with WordPress for blogging, giving you the best of both worlds: Showit's drag-and-drop design flexibility and WordPress's blogging prowess. It's like having your cake and eating it too, but for websites.

How long does the customization process take?

Customization times can vary based on how complex your vision is, but most projects take between 4 to 6 weeks. We'll set a timeline from the get-go, so you'll know exactly when to plan your big launch party.

Feeling like your website's more "meh" than "OMG amazing"?

Connect with me today!!!

Let's fix that!